Auditing Amazon S3 Buckets

AWS buckets are a logical unit of storage in Amazon Web Services (AWS) object storage service, Simple Storage Solution S3. Buckets are used to store objects, which consist of data and metadata. S3 Customers create buckets to share data amongst users and privileges are controlled through the AWS Policy Generator. It’s important for your IT security and compliance posture to not only understand who is accessing the data but also any changes to the security settings surrounding the content of the buckets. This is where Lepide Amazon S3 Auditor comes in.

Who’s Accessing Critical Data Within the Buckets?

Understand how users are interacting with the data shared within the buckets. As well as being able to identify if new files are added and removed to the storage buckets you will also be able to gain insight into who’s accessing the data, and how frequently, to help in determining unauthorized access or privilege abuse.

Who’s Making Configuration Changes

To prevent privilege abuse in the first place, it’s important to design a stringent security model around access management to the storage buckets. With Lepide Amazon S3 Auditor, you will be able to see if there are any unauthorized changed to the Access Control Lists surrounding the data. This will help in ensuring permissions are not granted to those who don’t need them and also help to prevent privilege sprawl across the unstructured data.